Keelung Sino-French War Memorial Compound Public Space
整體規劃上試圖以材料、工法出發,藉以凸顯清代遺留的砲台 - 石圍遺構;以砂質鋪面呈現過去二沙灣沙灘及水岸的邊界。在全區內創造一系列圍繞不同年代遺址的敘事性公共空間,提供未來參訪民眾一條具有歷史脈絡的動線系統及能舉辦集體紀念活動的儀式性場域,更以連續性的公園地景,提供民眾觀看石圍遺構的多元角度,強化並豐富遊客與當地居民在遊憩時的經驗,能在此園區看見基隆獨特的「海港—城市—山丘—歷史」共生依附的關係,體驗自然地景、社會人文與歷史遺址等脈絡,藉此走進大尺度的歷史場景計畫。
The project initiated an ongoing urban redevelopment initiative. It started with a competition held by the city, and it was at first a public work financed by a hodgepodge of subsidies from the central government. The competition was open but required the submission of a planning proposal and some design guidelines. Once adjudicated, the project has gone through an intense development process that saw it debated with the municipal offices, the financing bodies, and the local stakeholders.
The site is jammed between the harbor, once militarized, and the road infrastructure, constrained by a close promontory. Due to geographic-historical reasons, here one could find several heritage pieces -e.g., a French cemetery dating back to the Sino-French war, seaside villas from the Japanese era, etc.- but these were accessible to archaeological research only. The rest was occupied by illegal superfetations and fenced plots of land, often used as private car parking.
The project consisted of demolishing a disused military facility, removing superfetations, developing walkable surfaces, opening the enclosures, and reorganizing the open space in consideration of some programmatic interventions. Today, if something is still to be implemented due to interactions with other projects, we are planning some additional landscape interventions together with a path linking to a historical fortification closely located. This should further consolidate the interweaving of heritage and daily life that characterizes this new “neighborhood core.”
Indeed, the project targeted the creation of a new public space based on an intense mix of socially relevant functions or spaces, elaborating on and reinterpreting the existing resources. Due to this, the urban design is based on topographic work balancing spatial continuity and the definition of gathering areas. Also, it aims at offering an ordering principle to facilitate the coexistence of residents' lives and the activities of the people from the neighborhood and beyond.
Today, the site features a historical Japanese villa where a new bookshop will be open, a kids’ play area, a semi-natural amphitheater facing historical remnants -adequate for the frequent neighborhood events, a square adjacent to an old walk-up -where someone is already opening a coffee-shop, space for the extension of the residents’ activity outdoor, two different memorials -that are used for seasonal celebrations, and the French cemetery, now opened up as a park.
🏅 獲獎 Award
2022 奧斯陸建築參年展 Oslo Architecture Triennale/佳作 honorable mention
2021 第九屆台灣景觀大獎/公共開放空間類-優質獎
2020 第八屆台灣景觀大獎/環境規劃設計類 佳作
LOCATION|Keelung, Taiwan
設計規劃|BIAS Architects & Associates 衍序規劃設計顧問有限公司 + 陳漢儒建築師事務所
平面攝影|Studio Millspace 揅空間工作室