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2019臺灣文博會_鐵道博物館(台北機廠)11(圖片提供:衍序規劃設計_ 有家攝
2019 Creative Expo Taiwan – Infrastructure On the Move

2019 臺灣文博會 — NEXT 鐵道博物館


Inspire future imagination by walking through the track of the past.

「NEXT 鐵道博物館」位於國定古蹟臺北機廠內,臺北機廠自1935年為鐵道車輛製造與維修場域,在2015年成為國定古蹟並規劃為未來「國家鐵道博物館」所在地。在正式開放之前,臺北機廠被阻擋視線的鐵皮圍欄圍住,成為市中心與市民隔絕的獨立區域。於2019臺灣文博會籌備期間,為連結沿著舊鐵路線建立的「文化創新廊道」,試圖打開臺北機廠鄰近菸廠路的局部圍牆,開放成為公共空間,讓大眾一覽城市中的歷史場景,共同勾勒未來成為國家鐵道博物館的想像。


Tasked to develop the former Taipei Railway workshop as a key site of the 2019 Taiwan Culture Expo plan and create a creative culture corridor along the old railway, BIAS developed a temporary observation deck to let people take a glimpse over the modern heritage of the railway workshop.

Most of the time, unorganized modern heritages are not open to the public and become isolated areas in the city. BIAS opened a section of the fence surrounding the precinct of the historical railway workshop and made it into an observatory of the site and its conversion process. Not only but also, an exhibition and a spatial experience were installed, finally creating a meeting point between the heritage and the city's public space. Instead of a fence, a metallic lattice and a folded platform were put in place. They offer unobstructed visual continuities and viewpoints with different elevations while they define a series of spaces integrating information and audio-visual experiences.

Thanks to the space design and programming strategy, the people can finally take a view of the historical site even before the heritage is actually accessible. This way, the memory of the old city can be reconnected with the public again. Standing on the observation platform, people can look at the skyline formed by different periods and imagine the former Taipei Railway workshops' possibilities in the future.



🏅 獲獎 Award

2019 金點設計獎/ 空間設計類入圍


展覽策劃|衍序規劃設計 - BIAS Architects
建築設計|陳漢儒建築師事務所 - BIAS Architects
音樂製作|A Root 同根生

LOCATION|Taipei, Taiwan
PROGRAM|Curating / Exhibition / Construction
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