2020 DaxiDaxi - Lord Guan Online!
2020 大溪大禧 之 關公Online!
A modern religious festival in which contemporary design joins folk beliefs.
「大溪大禧」來到第三年,時逢 2020 年大眾需要被療癒、振奮與鼓舞之時,以「關公Online!」作為年度主題,回到信仰本質的核心,將無遠弗屆的祝福從大溪城鎮中傳達出去。在策劃階段以「復興祭典生活」為主軸,挖掘、研究並復興逐漸消逝的珍貴信仰風俗,並考量疫情時代需求,透過建置雙語官方網站作為線上展覽平台,展現三年累績的故事脈絡與轉譯成果,更加開年度主題「關公Online!」線上遶境活動網站,透過互動機制設計帶領大眾從認識關聖帝君、向關公許願,到進入虛擬世界的大溪街景排隊等遶境,一步步認識大溪的遶境文化。同時推出線上預購的平安福袋,讓人不論何時都能跟關公保持連線,分享一年一度的平安福氣,也象徵關公無所不在,隨時都守護著大家!
Lord Guan's birthday celebration is an important traditional event held in the rural outskirts of Taipei. The local people call it "the second Chinese New Year for Daxi" and everyone in the township of Daxi uses to put significant effort into the preparations. Tasked to preserve and promote the event, since 2018, BIAS has developed and implemented an urban festival to help the township preparing for the celebration. The festival has been named "Daxi Daxi," i.e., a play of words that means "Good Luck Daxi."
Usually, Taiwanese religious ceremonies are conservative and based on rural traditions that strictly dictate the god's parade rules. To share the charm of these folk beliefs with the urban public, BIAS curated a strategic set of design interventions and developed a series of educational activities to mediate the ancient traditions. In particular, in 2020, the third installment of "Daxi Daxi," the "Lord Guan Online" concept was implemented, i.e., a creative offline and online approach that allows the god's blessings to spread far away through the new media. This strengthened the identity of the local community and attracted more than 100,000 people to the township. Besides this, an exhibition focused on the "backstage" of the religious event and a show mixing modern and traditional arts were implemented. By this, BIAS hopes that the traditional culture can intertwine with the urban one and, thanks to this, get enough momentum to be preserved for the future.
▩ 「關公 online!」主題網站|Lord Guan's Themed website
Hosting games and an online parade, the website offered people the chance to understand Lord Guan's beliefs and receive his blessings anywhere.
▩ 「大溪霹靂夜」Daxi Thunderbolt Night
During the night rehearsal of the traditional parade, the performers use to compete with each other. Contemporary performances joined the activities, and a musical-theatrical-circus show made it on the stage.
▩ 「金喜大廟市」Gold Luck Temple Fair
In the last century, when the religious celebration was at the peak, a bustling night market took place together with the event. For a few days, Daxi would become a city that never sleeps. To reenact this atmosphere, a new night market for newly branded local craft and food was implemented.
▩ 「遶境事務所」神將文化與攝影展|Pilgrimage Office
The exhibition showcased the connection between people and gods, especially during the traditional ceremony preparations. The exhibition aimed at showcasing how the gods are always around. Thanks to a photographic display, the story behind the ceremonies was also showcased and made people to realize the cohesion of the entire township within the faith.
▩ 「平安福袋」Lucky Bags
To strengthen the event's identity, BIAS cooperated with local brands to create faith objects with new designs and renew the essential products for the worship.
🏅 獲獎 Award
2021 A’design Award (Italy) /Event & Happening Design - Silver Award