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BIAS Architects & Associates 陳漢儒建築師事務所與衍序規劃設計顧問有限公司由陳漢儒、劉真蓉及 Alessandro Martinelli 成立於 2013 年,團隊包含專業策展人、歐盟與臺灣執業建築師,以議題性研究為基礎,產出文化品牌與城市空間整合,持續為城市策展、建築規劃設計、企業文化品牌打造的專業團隊。

成立至今一直以實驗及議題研究的方式,參與公共性與企業的規劃設計。作品有如「2020台灣設計展」、「2019台灣文博會」總策劃,創造設計與信仰組合的城市祭典「大溪大禧 Daxidaxi」,打開城市歷史空間的「NEXT 鐵道博物館」;以臨時性空間帶出城市發展藍圖,並改變競選風景的「圓五曲 — 都市願景館」、以溫室構築探討永續農業與家居生活可能性的「鼓勵好室Greenhouse as a Home」。目前也持續在國內外多個城市進行城市空間與策展的規劃。


BIAS Architects & Associates was established in Taiwan by Hanju Chen, Chen-Jung Liu, and Alessandro Martinelli in 2013. BIAS is first and foremost interested in public space, including public space materiality and activities. In this respect, BIAS aims to foster cultural engagement and social awareness by uniting space and program design with attention to both the human and non-human stakeholders of public space.


In recent years, BIAS not only developed and implemented several projects for the transformation of Taiwan public space but also curated a series of important public events with large-scale installations for the promotion of Taiwan culture and public space, including the first two installments of Taipei ‘Nuit Blanche,’ the national exhibitions ‘2019 Creative Expo Taiwan’ and ‘2020 Taiwan Design Expo,’ and a modern religious festival named ‘DAXI DAXI’ where contemporary design joins folk beliefs. While the participation in these events has ranged from 200,000 to over 1,000,000 people, both the architectural and curatorial projects have been internationally awarded on several occasions.


BIAS partners are Hanju Chen (Master in architecture at THU, Taiwan, and the Berlage Institute, the Netherlands), Chen-Jung Liu (Master in Landscape architecture at THU, Taiwan, and in architecture at the Berlage Institute, the Netherlands), and Alessandro Martinelli (Master in architecture at the USI Mendrisio, Switzerland, the Berlage Institute, the Netherlands, and Ph.D. in architecture at the USI Mendrisio, Switzerland). Besides the partners, BIAS is composed of architects,  landscape architects, curators, and a number of external consultants from various fields, including sociology, the visual arts, as well as engineers and construction experts.



▎2023 國家卓越建設獎 金質獎 最佳環境文化類 永續發展類

▎2022 Taiwan Design BEST 100 / 年度概念展演活動

▎2022 AIA New York’s annual Design Award/PROJECTS Category Merit Award

2022 奧斯陸建築參年展 Oslo Architecture Triennale / 佳作

▎2022 金點設計獎/專業策展類、情境體驗類

▎2022 IF 設計獎/Comunitcation - Public Branding 

▎2021 第九屆台灣景觀大獎/公共開放空間類-優質獎

▎2021 金點設計獎/專業策展類

▎2021 A’design Award (Italy)/Event & Happening Design - Silver Award

▎2021 A’design Award (Italy) /Event & Happening Design - Silver Award

▎2020 第八屆台灣景觀大獎/環境規劃設計類 佳作

▎2020 台北設計獎 / 公共空間設計類 優選

▎2020 Taiwan Design BEST 100 / 年度概念展覽活動

▎2020 TID 台灣室內設計大獎/評審特別獎

▎2019 LaVie 台灣創意力100/年度最具影響力人物 首獎

▎2019 LaVie 台灣創意力100/年度10大創意展會 首獎
▎2019 LaVie 台灣創意力100 / 年度10大創意展會
▎2019 TIDA台北設計獎 / 公共空間設計類 金獎
▎2019 金點設計獎 / 整合設計類
▎2018 ADA 新銳建築獎/佳作獎
▎2018 金點設計獎 / 空間設計類
▎2018 TID Award 台灣室內設計大獎 / 臨時建築與裝置類
▎2018 Taiwan Design BEST 100 / 年度設計團隊

▎2018 Taiwan Design BEST 100 / 年度空間規劃

▎2018 Taiwan Design BEST 100 / 年度最佳概念展覽活動
▎2017 Taiwan Design BEST100 / 年度最佳概念展覽活動
▎2017 La Vie 台灣創意力100 / 年度最佳創意場域獎
▎2016 Taiwan Design BEST100 / 年度最佳概念展覽活動
▎2015 1st Prize of Terra dignitas competition/FIRST PRIZE
▎2014 老屋新生大獎/銅獎
▎2014 臺北市都市景觀大獎/特別獎

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