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2019 Creative Expo Taiwan — Culture On the Move

2019 臺灣文博會 — 文化動動動

■ Culture On the Move 文化動動動 

承繼百年前鐵道機械動能給現代社會的提示與靈感,由文化部主辦的 2019 臺灣文博會,主題設定為「Culture On the Move – 文化動動動」,企圖讓文化的動能穿透時間與空間的厚度,沿著臺北舊鐵道線,串起華山、松菸、花博爭艷館、文化實驗場、臺北機廠等產業歷史空間,打造出「文化創新廊帶」,串聯人們對城市發展的想像,也擾動各時代的空間和集體記憶。

「Culture On the Move」是一場展開的運動,集結眾人的力量共同參與探索,以現代的眼光,探勘臺灣在地人文與原生文化,並由眾多策展人與藝術家共同呈現臺灣文化的多樣主張,對一切文化的可能性與想法保持開放,找尋臺灣在世界文化市場上獨樹一格的魅力,而這場運動也將會一直持續下去—Culture is always On the Move。


「Culture On the Move」以城市為展場,透過進入台灣每個地方的採集、綜合展演、分享與創新,真實呈現動態策展的過程,尋找臺灣文化在地性與連接全球性的無限潛能。

在華山的主題概念區中,以「編導( Direct)—演變舞台」和「編輯( Edit)—編輯地方」兩個行動出發,對接傳統與創新、探索在地與多元,《博覽會》的設計品牌館與圖像授權館,看見臺灣美學輸出與產業結合的完美案例;《文化大學堂》於城市中開放成為一座思辨的大會場,而《NEXT 鐵道博物館》則開出了城市動能的初始,讓大眾為城市中的空間記憶,共創下一章節的想像。

Following the significance and inspiration that modern society received from railway's mechanical power centuries ago, the 2019 Creative Expo Taiwan hosted by the Ministry of Culture adopts the theme of "Culture On the Move" to merge culture and time by connecting historical spaces, including Huashan 1914 Creative Park, Songshan Cultural & Creative Park, Taipei Expo Park – Expo Dome, Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab and TRW Railway Museum, the aim is to create a "Cultural Corridor" and in order to bring together people's imagination of city development, but also spatial and collective memories from different times.


While every movement includes surprising twists and discontinuities, "Culture On the Move" gathers the power of the multitude to explore every cultural possibility in a modern perspective, and stays open-minded for discovering the unique charm of Taiwanese culture. This movement will indeed continue―Culture is always On the Move!

Culture On the Move sees the city as an exhibition venue and employs a large variety of materials, exhibitions, performances, and innovations from every corner of Taiwan, to uncover local and global potentiality of Taiwanese culture.


Huashan 1914 Creative Park, being the thematic hub, is represented through two approaches: "direct" and "edited," which aim to connect tradition and innovation while exploring the local and the diverse. Fair On the Move―Design & Licensing demonstrate perfect integration of Taiwanese aesthetics and products with a variety of original IP and cultural creative products. School On the Move transforms the city into a lecture hall presenting fresh concepts and trending topics. Infrastructure On the Move reveals the origin of the city's propelling force, launching the Cultural Corridor and envisioning a new chapter of urban memories for the public.


▩  主題館 — 演變舞台 Stage On the Move





Stage On the Move, being the thematic hub of 2019 Creative Expo Taiwan, was a 12-day exhibition that showcase the process of Taiwan’s culture evolvement. T Stage On the Move, being the thematic hub of 2019 Creative Expo Taiwan, was a 12-day exhibition that showcase the process of Taiwan’s culture evolvement. The core concept were “performance” and “documentary”, equated exhibition and performance space and broke down the boundaries between exhibition and performance, front stage and back stage. Presented an art festival with 56 marvelous performances, it showcased the process of creation from different art workers. By adding an interactives techniques into the exhibition, it allowed every visitors to join the process of art creation.

Through the interactive technology, the body movement of performers and the audiences was recorded. The performances cross between the classics and the contemporary performances, included talk shows, speeches, interactive performances and workshops, from different generations, fields and types. The space design allowed multiple combinations of how the space can be used, the boundary between audiences and performers were blurred, modularized space design package can be moved and applied in different set up easily, allowing the stage to change according to different kind of performances in different places.

▩  編輯地方 Place On the Move


「編輯」帶入on the move 的搜尋,是一種地方考現學,探究地方的本質。經由設計者透徹的思維,從地景、祭典儀式、飲食文化等面向切入探勘,尋找各地方最在地的獨特性。文博會中將呈現桃園、台南、屏東、台東四個城市概念館與地方誌、以及工藝館跟市集,讓地方再尋找的過程組織成「編輯地方」。

Exploring local characteristics by means of a modern perspective, several creative minds are invited to ‘edit’ the local identities of four places in Taiwan addressing landscape, ceremonies, and food culture. Under the theme “Places On the Move”, four city pavilions about Taoyuan, Tainan, Pingtung and Taitung are showcased along with craft installations and market at the Creative Expo Taiwan.

・刊物|本地  The Place

・桃園|桃花源設計事務所  Taoyuan Reflecting

​・屏東|吟土風人  Our Pingtung Stories

​・台東|感受一下  Enjoy ah!

​・台南|文文仔火  Simmering Fire

・工藝|茶3.1415   Tea 3.1415

​・市集|山海廟集 大好辦桌  Top Taiwan Feast of Nature and Culture

▩ 文化大學堂 School On the Move


Themed as "Lagoon Apeiron," a large forum to debate, think, and discuss about the definition of Taiwan culture.

▩ NEXT鐵道博物館 Infrastructure On the Move


Open the precinct of the historical railway workshop and inspire future imagination by walking through the track of the past.


🏅 獲獎 Award

2019 Taiwan Design BEST100 / 年度概念展覽活動

2019 LaVie 台灣創意力100/年度10大創意展會 首獎

2019 金點設計獎/ 整合設計類入圍



▎2019 臺灣文博會 — Culture On the Move 文化動動動

總體策展|衍序規劃設計 - BIAS Architects & Associates
演變舞台 主題館|衍序規劃設計 - BIAS Architects & Associates
編輯地方 總論館|衍序規劃設計 - BIAS Architects & Associates

臺南館| 蚯蚓文化
桃園館|格式 InFormat Design Curating
屏東館|究方社、 dosomething studio、 FabCraft Design Lab
臺東館|Plan b 第二計劃Suming 舒米恩
工藝館|徐景亭 PiliWu-Design
山海廟集|米力 、合方創意
本地 The Place| The Affairs 週刊編集
NEXT鐵道博物館|陳漢儒建築師事務所 - BIAS Architects

LOCATION|Taipei, Taiwan
PROGRAM|Curating / Exhibition / Construction
2019文博會|主視覺海報|0324_工作區域 2.png
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