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Back to the Grass Field ( Taoyuan Agriculture Expo 2019 )

2019 桃園農業博覽會 — 鼓勵好室2 - 草生肥田


Reviving the earth gently with wild herbs

運用台灣農業常見且已技術成熟的溫室結構為基底,發展出融合高效率的生產環境與都市生活型態的未來家屋原型——「鼓勵好室 Greenhouse as a home」,在2018年桃園農業博覽會中首度登場,隔年延續著臺灣農業機制與適應環境的構築發展核心概念,重新聚焦在臺灣土地上的本質問題,發現在農村勞動力缺乏、節省成本與高效率的思維下,臺灣躍升為除草劑用量冠軍國,土地豐富的生態則逐漸消逝、沒了生氣,而我們幾乎感受不到整體環境的變化,唯有找回人與草的共生連結,創造友善栽培的社會意識,台灣才能保有其原有的豐富草域。因此2019年「⿎勵好室」以臺灣原生草為主角,進行一場對土地關懷的創作與實驗,定名為「⿎勵好室2-草⽣肥田」。


「⿎勵好室2-草⽣肥田」 以培養原生草為行動實驗,空間由溫室構築擴散到整個基地,打造一座兼具⽣態和景觀的原生草域實驗室,在「草能覆田、亦能養田」的共生關係中,引領大眾通往農業永續發展的理想境地。展期結束後,溫室結構材都回到材料循環系統中,剩下可彈性使用的空間骨架作為靜態展示,原⽣草也移植到具有相同土地友善意識的農場裡,落實⼟地復育概念,讓土地永續發展的意識持續在社會蔓延。

Tasked to showcase the future possibilities of connection between rural life and environmental sustainability in Taoyuan Green Expo, BIAS has developed an experiment of rural revitalization called “Greenhouse as a home” in 2018. Usually, a temporary exhibition pavillion is going to be dismantle after the exhibition. BIAS had the chance to deal with the re-use of a temporary architecture of their own in the Taoyuan Green Expo 2019, following the 2018 edition.

Based on continuous research of agricultural mechanism and development of environmental adaptation of architecture, BIAS developed a sort of 'herb lab’ in 2019. Here, people could walk through mounds covered with indigenous herbs of all altitudes in Taiwan. Then, various species of herbaceous vegetation are displayed on planting shelves and introduce land restoration mechanisms. After that, there is a 'plant tissue culture lab,' which showcases how biotechnology regenerates endangered species and superior profit crops. Not only but also,  the pavilion was strategically located within a public park yet to be completed, thus triggered the use of the place by the citizens notwithstanding the temporary absence of grown-up planting and the full set of urban furniture.

After the exhibition, the greenhouse building materials were sent back to the cycle system. And the indigenous herbs were transplanted to the local farm to fulfill the concept of land restoration. This way, BIAS brought out the awareness of land and sustainable development continuously spreading in society.


▧ 混植草原

Hybrid Grass Field

An ecological landscape with blurred boundaries


The two facing hills are covered with indigenous plants of all altitudes in Taiwan. Within the large area of herbaceous vegetation cover, various species of plants are densely planted together and intertwine with one another, thus blurring the boundaries between different species and further attracting new species to join. This small ecological system contains medicinal and edible herbs common in daily life and exemplifies eco friendly agriculture. It is not only a new type of landscape with native vegetation, but also an ecological paradise!

▧ 草毯野花廊

Foyer of Wildflower Carpets

Herbaceous vegetation cover that nurtures the earth



To cover the farmland with native flora, common herbs such as Threeflower Tickclover, Taiwan Bugle and Chinese Mesona are planted on the planting shelves. The restoration of native vegetation on farmlands creates suitable habitats for insects and help preserve the soil water. As a result, more nutrition are supplied to the crops, a richer ecological environment is formed, sustainability of agricultural activities and ecological system is achieved, and each farm grows into unique and charming landscapes.

▧ 組培實驗室

Plant Tissue Culture Lab

The superior offsprings grown with high technology


As the native plants are largely collected and environment is devastated, the advanced technology is introduced to alter the situation. Endangered species or profit crops are meticulously grown in the sterile bottles. Plants are effectively grown from tiny tissues and eventually planted back into the soil. The plant tissue culture technology is applied to regenerate both endangered species and genetically superior profit crops, therefore could effectively enhance the productivity of farmlands and restore ecological system at the same time.

▧ 草食膳房

Herbal Kitchen


The ancient wisdom cultivated on the local land


Herbs are common in Taiwanese daily life, people incorporate them in their daily cuisine for nutritious or medicinal purposes. Knowledge and experiences are passed down from generation to generation, each herb contains its unique aroma and attributes. Within the large drying hall, the wisdom of ‘herbology’ accumulated over generations is exhibited. Through the action of cooking herbs, we could observe the relationship between cooking, land, environment and human lives.



🏅 獲獎 Award

2020 台北設計獎 / 公共空間設計類 優選


LOCATION|Taoyuan, Taiwan
PROGRAM|Curating / Exhibition / Construction

青草合作|老濟安 Healing Herbar
食農教育|Mini Cook 迷你酷食育工作室
裝置設計|Temperature 溫度物所 、劉銘軒
音樂設計|三十而立 Sincerely Music
平面攝影|搖滾漢堡、Kris Kang
特別感謝|行政院農委會花蓮區農業改良場蘭陽分場 游之穎 研究員

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