2018 Taoyuan Agriculture Expo — Greenhouse
2018 桃園農業博覽會—鼓勵好室 Greenhouse
Greenhouse as a home.
In the ‘Greenhouse’, the modern high-tech greenhouse environment fuses with the urban lifestyle and forms the prototype of future living. Here one could drink tea and chat with friends in the cool and moist fern room, pick fresh vegetables indoor and cook delicious meal with them, or enjoy a futuristic light theatre with all five senses in the fungus farm. Going through these magical greenhouses, we experience a living environment where plants cohabitate with human, and learn the subtle equilibrium of life and agriculture.
Fern Living room
Living with plants in the future.
Home of human blending with that of plants, leisure activities taking place among the misty vegetation, this is the imaginary prototype of future dwelling, the intersection of human life circle and vegetation community. In the Fern Living room, we explore the multiple aspects of the life of plants and imagine the possibilities of a life intertwined with the vegetation.
Farm Dining
A large dining table surrounded by greenery
Dining room is the most important space in a traditional taiwanese home. Food and agriculture is the base of life education. At the Farm Dining, children could observe how a seed becomes food and learn basic cooking and healthy lifestyle in a fun and interactive setting.
Photosynthesis Kitchen
The growing and dining happen in the same space.
In old times, farmers live by the farmlands and grow their own food. Thanks to modern technology, the ancient lifestyle is made possible in one single room. The kitchen is installed right next to the high-tech indoor farm, people could enjoy the fun of growing vegetables and observe the whole process of food making in a clean and convenient setting.
Sun Garden
Sunbathing with the plants
‘Chen’ is the courtyard within the traditional Taiwanese compound residence, often used for sun drying the crops and holding family events. A sun garden is built in the middle section of the ‘Greenhouse’ much like the traditional ‘Chen’, here people could enjoy the sunshine and breeze with the crops.
Theatre of Mushroom
Entering the dreams among twinkling mushrooms
溫暖潮濕的蕈菇溫室成為近未來的感官家庭劇院,知覺在漆黑中被無限放大 ⎯ 鮮嫩叢生的蕈菇香氣鑽入鼻孔,懸浮在空中的蕈菇粼光閃動擴散。當農業於未來介入人類生活,人們在蕈菇生長環境中的迷幻聲光體驗,彷彿短暫觸及了理想的未來生活藍圖。
The moist fungus farm becomes a future sensorial home theatre. The senses are enhanced in the darkness, one could smell the fungus while marvel at the glowing mushrooms. As the agricultural environment is merged with human residence, the dreamy experience in the fungus farm offers us a glimpse of the ideal future life.
🏅 獲獎 Award
2018 ADA 新銳建築獎 佳作獎
2018 金點設計獎 / 空間設計類
2018 TID 台灣室內設計大獎 / 臨時建築與裝置
2018 Taiwan Design BEST 100 / 年度建築及空間規劃
LOCATION|Taoyuan, Taiwan
PROGRAM|Curating / Exhibition / Construction
指導單位 |行政院農業委員會、桃園市議會
主辦單位 |桃園市政府
執行單位 |桃園市政府都市發展局
整體規劃 |衍序規劃設計顧問有限公司
建築設計 |衍序規劃設計顧問有限公司
策展單位 |衍序規劃設計顧問有限公司
花藝設計 |溫度物所
食農教育 |Mini Cook 迷你酷食育工作室
新媒設計 |黑川互動媒體藝術有限公司
農業合作 |伸茂園藝工程、菁饌生技股份有限公司、米大菇食
贊助單位 |和嘉泰企業有限公司
前期合作 |中原大學建築系、中國文化大學景觀學系