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Air and Clay - Atmosphere of Yangmingshan

草山氛 - 土與空氣的詩

草山是太平洋島國上的休火山,位在都會及亞熱帶叢林的交界邊緣,這裡的空氣充斥著水霧山嵐和地熱煙塵,稍微偏離大道走進林間,彷彿便可在枝葉間看見遠古部落祭祀的炊煙。URS27M 在夏日裡邀請來自俄羅斯的攝影藝術家和旅居日本的陶瓷藝術家,走進這片混沌、不定、漫無邊際的山,將郊山裡的空氣與時間化為影像空間裝置及大小陶瓷作品。

盛夏裡,來自俄羅斯的攝影師暨建築師 Maria Lezhnina 及藝術家王怡方分別進入陽明山駐點創作,將郊山裡的風水土壤細膩轉化為影像空間裝置及大小陶瓷作品,Maria 以「天空」、「熱」、「濕」及「懸浮」等主題創作,呈現海島火山地帶獨特的地景空間,觸動觀者的深層內在。王怡方則把在URS27M雲森陶陶工坊創作期間的身體感覺記憶,轉化為陶瓷創作。延續長期以來關於身體與時間的創作探索,將土條由下而上背著地心引力堆積,拿捏恰當濕度,在黏土表面上刻畫數字,數字韻律反應著草山的大氣雲霧與創作者本身的記憶,每件作品都是一個時光片段,一個那段時間結的果實。展覽期間 Maria Lezhnina 也將於 URS27M 舉辦兒童建築工作坊,帶領孩子學習空間創作思考,練習以建築方法理解空間,與環境建立更加深刻的記憶聯結。王怡方則將帶領民眾以詩句引導雙手,捏塑陶土自由創作,透過自在緩慢的創作過程,開放身體感官,感受草山的土地與環境。

Yangmingshan is a volcano in an oceanic island. Here, the subtropical jungle and the city meet. Here, the air is is filled with mist and geothermal dust. Slightly outside the roads, the smoke from the temples’ chimney rises up to the sky.
This summer, URS27M invited a Russian photographic artist and a Taiwanese ceramic artist based in Japan to enter this indefinite, rambling, sometime chaotic environment, turning the space and time of the local landscape into artistic imagery and large-size ceramics.

The photographic artist Maria Lezhnina and the ceramic artist Evon Wang have created visual installations and ceramic sculptures on-site at URS27M.

Maria developed a series of visual meditations on the atmosphere. They are titled ‘Sky’, ‘Heat’, ‘Humidity,’ and ‘ Suspensions.’ While they portray the atmosphere as a new take on landscape photography, they also trigger mental associations out of the mind of the viewers and question the local atmospherical events of Yangmingshan.

Evon embedded the memory of her on-site experience within the clay. While the shapes of her artworks have grown out of coils of clay piled up against gravity, their surfaces have been covered by infinite numerical engravings, painstakingly carved by the artist out of her time in Yangmingshan. Indeed, her artworks are ‘fruits’ born out of concrete time -that slow expanse spent for their creation- and reflects the material experience of the artist in a place.

During the period of the exhibition, Maria Lezhnina, elaborating on her background as architect, will hold two workshops for children, that will connect them with the content of the exhibition and provide some basic notions of space. On the other hand, Evon Wang will guide the people to reflect about poetry and the creation with clay.




時間|8/23(四)-8/25(六) 9:00-13:00  
8/30(四)-9/1(六) 9:00-13:00
建議年齡|8-12 歲
限額|15 名
◎ 「土與空氣的詩」- 手捏陶工作坊

時間| 9/7(五) 10:00 - 12:00
師資| 王怡方
建議年齡|15 歲以上
限額|15 名
費用 | 免費
◎ 「軟糖構築」兒童建築工作坊

時間| 9/22(六) 10:00 - 12:00
師資| Maria Lezhnina
建議年齡|7-11 歲
限額|15 名
費用 | 免費
◎ 「森山小偶」- 手捏陶工作坊

時間| 9/15(六) 10:00 - 12:00
師資| 王怡方
建議年齡|15 歲以上
限額|15 名
◎ 「紙造城市」兒童建築工作坊

時間| 10/6 (六) 13:00 - 17:00
師資| Maria Lezhnina
建議年齡|6-12 歲
限額|15 名

◎ 「晒森山」日光顯影工作坊

時間| 10/7 (日) 10:00 - 12:00
師資| Evan Lin (有家攝影工作室) 
建議年齡|15 歲以上
限額|15 名




LOCATION|Taipei, Taiwan
COLLABORATORSCloud Forest Collective 雲森陶陶工作室
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