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Curating Daxi: The development of Daxidaxi festival


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為了守護消逝中的百年文化,找尋當代適切的樣貌,「大溪大禧」這場因神明而生的策展,以「一場跨越當代設計與民俗信仰的城市祭典」為號召、 關公暖壽為主軸,設計出全城出動的「與神同巡」遶境、 齊聚廟埕前搖滾的「神嬉舞夜」,與各方領域的設計師共同創造, 合力打造出全臺最潮祭典!


首本設計書《大溪大禧:當代設計與民俗信仰一起策展》講述一個當從前與現在相遇,來自「大溪大禧」的故事,是一本記錄五年來於大溪實驗與實踐的設計書, 書寫的不只是策展,更是台灣地方文化的表現,與當代設計意識的整合,還有無遠弗屆的神奇祝福!藉由本書的出版,整理及分享木博館與策展團隊衍序規劃設計策畫「大溪大禧」的發展過程,看見從促進慶 典文化保存及發展的關懷切入,如何結合設計力的加入,喚醒大家對鄉土的熱愛、對慶典文化 的熱情,號召眾人一起走在慶典文化復興的路上,並成為具國際性的臺灣文化節慶。


To preserve the century-old disappearing culture and give it a contemporary touch, the "Daxidaxi" festival, which originated from a deity, was curated as "a modern religious festival where contemporary design meets folk beliefs," with Guan Shang Dijun's Birthday as the central theme. The event features the "Patrol with Gods", a condensed version of the procession that covers the old city center, and "Dancing with Gods", where people gather to dance in front of the temple. This festival is a collaborative effort among designers from various fields, creating the trendiest celebration in Taiwan!

The first design book of the festival, "Curating Daxidaxi: The development of the Daxidaxi festival", narrates the story of the encounter between the past and present through the lens of Daxidaxi. It records the experimental and practical design work that took place in Daxi over the past five years. In preparation for the publication of this book, the Wood Art Ecomuseum and BIAS Architects & Associates as the curatorial team compiled and presented the development process of Daxidaxi from the perspective of caring, promoting, preserving, and developing temple ritual celebration culture. It's time to leverage the power of design to inspire love for the homeland, passion for temple celebration culture, and motivate people to revive temple celebration culture together, fashioning it into an internationally renowned cultural festival of Taiwan.

▩ Chapter 1  策一個大溪,尋原鄉起點
Curating Daxi: The Search for "Home"


When arriving at Daxi, start from the temple on the bank of the Dahan River, and begin to explore the history behind the city. Set the time to the 24th day of the 6th month of the lunar calendar every year for the past millennium - for the birthday of Guan Sheng Dijun. The cityscape feels like it’s stepped out from another era in time for the birthday of Guan Sheng Dijun, when faith and the city's daily life are interwoven in an ancient script. 

▩ Chapter 2 一座保存「生鮮文化」的博物館
A Museum That Preserves “Fresh Culture”


To know more about Daxi, one must call attention to the local " Daxi Wood Art Ecomuseum." It create more community sharing and experiences, so that Daxi’s history, cultural relics, living culture and faith can be woven to resonate with people. No matter where you are in Daxi, every tree, historical building, or memory of Daxi, and the daily life that is happening here...they all serve as the vivid collection of the Wood Art Ecomuseum.

▩ Chapter 3 歡迎來到「大溪大禧」
Welcome to Daxidaxi!

無論是各個社頭的藝陣輪番登場、三國將軍的豪華陣容、精彩萬千的酬神戲、紀錄特展、連結科技數位化⋯⋯透過「大溪大禧」,讓傳承百年的「迎六月廿四」 文化不只更有力量,全城共歡、共好、共創,將帝君的正氣能量分享給每一個人 !

Whether it's a lineup of artists from various Shetou groups, a fancy formation of Holy Generals from the Three Kingdoms, performances paying homage to the gods, theme exhibitions, or the use of digitalization technology...Through "Daxidaxi," the culture of "June 24 Reception", which has been passed down for over a century, has not only become a profound show of strength, but allows the whole city to revel in joyous celebration, co-prosperity, and co- creation, thus spreading the positive energy of Guan sheng Dijun to all!

▩ Chapter 4 「大溪大禧」指揮中心
"Daxidaxi" Command Center


"Daxidaxi" is more than just a vibrant cultural exhibition: it’s a celebration of design prowess, beauty, and creativity, all of which elevate the presentation level of the cultural festival. We break down each operational procedure used at "Daxidaxi" from the planning and design perspective of the curatorial team, demonstrating how the design force promotes the value and allure of regional culture.



LOCATION|Taoyuan, Taiwan
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