2022 DaxiDaxi - Justice and Honor
2022 大溪大禧 之 敦正氣
A modern religious festival in which contemporary design joins folk beliefs.
除了開幕當天節目,同步設計多種體驗介面,包含以夏日祭典為發想設計的「正氣包」周邊商品、動態紀錄十尊將軍出巡步伐與拜禮動作的「舞德殿」特展,還有延續2020年以「關公Online!」網站展開線上線下城市慶典,今年更加開虛實交錯的「大溪 in LINE」城市實境解謎遊戲,透過通訊軟體LINE,帶領大眾走進大溪老城區,跟著「豆干的告白」關卡指引,來到大房豆干習得大溪限定吉祥話、到「神仙點心舖」永珍香餅店,了解傳承百年的祭祀糕餅文化,透過與店家關主互動,完成各種任務,學習大溪祭典生活學,還有機會透過擲筊成為神將的麻吉、關公的金孫!
Daxidaxi, a modern religious festival in which contemporary design joins folk beliefs.
Lord Guan's birthday celebration is an important traditional event held in Daxi, a historical town in northern Taiwan. Everyone in the township puts significant effort into the preparations. Tasked to promote local intangible cultural assets, the urban art festival is developed and called "Daxidaxi," which means the town's name that also means "God's Birthday."
On the premise of respecting traditional celebrations, Daxidaxi positions itself as a "pre-festival." More precisely, Daxi-Daxi transformed and expanded the celebration into a one-month festival in the whole city. In 2022, Daxidaxi made its spectacular debut on July 2! The whole city came together to participate in the festival, which continued all the way until July 22, the birthday of Lord Guan on the 24th day of the sixth lunar month.
The theme for Daxi-Daxi 2022, 'Justice and Honor', is drawn from the inscription above the Daxi Puji Temple worship pavilion. In Chinese, it also means against evil and disease. Written a century ago, it continues to be an inspiring message for modern generations. In keeping with this theme, Daxi-Daxi teamed up with “Queen of Protection” singer Lotus Wang to co-produce this year's theme song, "紅紅OnOn", a song of prayer and dance to kick off the festival. For the opening day on July 2, the festival team invited the City God from Hsinchu along with two disease-fighting generals to be special guests featured in the Holy Parade with the Daxi gods and join Lord Guan’s birthday party.
If "Guan Gong Online!" in 2020 opened the door to the world of Daxi faith in “June 24 Reception” across time and space anywhere around the world, then "Daxi in LINE", launched in 2022, allowed the people of Daxi to open their own homes and enter into the real life of the festival. Through the widely-used communication app "LINE," the life of all the industries in Daxi that participated in the preparation of the festival was deconstructed and transformed into designated tasks and challenges. Visitors will receive tests and challenges from Holy Generals and Guan Sheng Dijun himself, learn about Daxi-exclusive auspicious words at a dried bean curd store, learn about the centuries-old ritual cake culture at a local bakery, and experience how it’s like to get lost, and asking for directions in the city by entering the alleys and temples of Daxi. Local shopkeepers also take on the role of the game, allowing authentic Daxi sites and scenes as well as urban faith life to be integrated into the online game.
▩ 與神同巡|Patrol with Gods
The classic program "Patrol with the Gods" is part of the opening ceremony every year and which is reorganizing the traditional sequence and presents the essence of the Holy Parade. This year we invited Hsinchu City God and the accompanying generals to visit Daxi for the first time and celebrate Lord Guan's birthday!
▩ 神嬉舞夜-正氣Pa!| Dancing with Gods- Upright Party
Shinergy Puppet Show was invited to combine traditional theater with interactive technology to connect with audiences and gather energy! The program will be enjoyed by the two gods, and all participating teams will join to worship the gods. The finale show time was going to the theme song "紅紅OnOn", inviting the audience to sing and dance together!
▩ 祭典曲「紅紅」|Festival Song "OnOn"
大溪大禧祭典神曲《紅紅OnOn》 由四金音樂人柯智豪領銜製作、保庇天后——王彩樺主唱,結合當代舞團小事製作編舞、同根生樂團編曲,共同為大溪大禧打造一套新的祭典歌樂舞,帶動高強度的聚眾力,傳遞祭典文化精神。
"OnOn'' was produced by Blaire Ko and sung by singer Lotus Wang. The song also integrates Daxi's traditional general-inspired dance steps into the choreography of the contemporary dance troupe Les Petites Choses Production, the musical composition of the band A Root. A new kind of festival song for Daxidaxi is created, conveying the cultural spirit of the festival.
▩ 「舞德殿」特展|Dancing Hall of Virtues
The exhibition displays the dynamic performance and spiritual transformation of the deities worshiped by Daxi Shetou and the incarnation of the deities when people wear ceremonial costumes and props.
▩ 大溪 in LINE|Daxi in LINE
「大溪 in LINE」將「大溪大禧」長期調查蒐集大溪信仰風俗與知識性訊息轉化為遊戲關卡,打造含故事性、知識性以及趣味性的城市實境遊戲。
"Daxi in LINE" transformed Daxidaxi into a game level by collecting information about Daxi’s beliefs and folk customs and knowledge over a long period of time, creating an urban reality game brimming with captivating stories, knowledge, and fun.
▩ 正氣包|Energy Bag
To meet festivalgoers’ needs during hot summer days, Daxidaxi partnered with popular beverage brand Vitaly to create two co-branded limited-edition sodas for the festival, with a special Lord Guan three-dimensional ice brick box, practical insulating bags, and most important, Daxidaxi commemorative peace talismans and merchandise, so that everyone can feel the infinite energy of peace!
🏅 獲獎 Award
2022 Taiwan Design BEST 100 / 年度概念展演活動
2022 金點設計獎/情境體驗