Together as One with Taiwan: The Ark of Democracy
▍We Got ▸▸▸ Natural Born Biodiversity
▍We Made ▸▸▸ Backbone of PC, Smartphone & AI
▍We’ve been through ▸▸▸ Resilient Democracy
The Republic of China was founded on the principles of democracy and freedom. After trials and challenges, these values ultimately took root and have flourished in Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu. Today, the 23 million people of the country serve as the navigators of this “Ark of Democracy," collectively guiding the nation forward with stability and purpose.
The theme of this exhibition, Together as One with Taiwan: The Ark of Democracy, highlights Taiwan’s unique and diverse natural ecology, its indispensable role in global technological innovation, and its democratic values manifested through active civic engagement. Taiwan continues to contribute its strength to the international community.
Visitors will explore Taiwan’s rich and varied landscapes – its mountains, plains, and oceans – and learn about the island’s vibrant ecosystems. The exhibition also demonstrates how Taiwan’s technology supports global supply chains and drives advancements in digital and intelligent technologies. At the same time, it reveals how the Taiwanese people, through their fight for democracy and freedom and by utilizing the eclectic power of civil society, have woven the democratic spirit into the fabric of everyday life.
The Republic of China (Taiwan) is a pilot for global peace and a force for global prosperity. Every citizen aboard this Ark of Democracy faces challenges resiliently, overcomes difficulties through unity, and works tirelessly toward the future. Together, they ensure that the Ark continues its steady journey onward.

➊ 登入大廳 Entryway ➋ 歡迎光臨民主方舟 Welcome Aboard the Ark of Democracy ── 歡迎來到民主方舟,旅程的開端,從見證百年歷史的建築—總統府出發,歡迎大家一起成為民主方舟的領航者,一起揚帆前行。
➌ 中華民國歷任總統 Presidents of the Republic of China (Taiwan) ── 藉由典藏的影音、物件與公文,換位感受總統行使職權的日常,以及了解總統推動國政的決策過程。
➍ 生態博物之嶼 Ecological Treasure Island ── 從生態博物學角度,臺灣地景如同地球自然史多種生態區的縮影,蓄積世界生命座標的發展潛能。
➎ 不可或缺的世界科技隱形骨幹 The Invisible Backbone of Global Technology ── 回望世界科技文明發展,試想如果沒有臺灣科技,今日的人類文明會如何演變?
➏ ➐ 民主高分貝,領航與世界同行 Taiwan's Vibrant Democracy, Moving Forward with the World ──「民主就是人民作主」, 臺灣的民主得來不易,看見豐沛多元的公民社會力量,持續將良善力量貢獻於國際社會。
➑ 成為我們 Become One with Us ── 來一張與賴清德總統及蕭美琴副總統合影,為這段專屬於自己和臺灣的民主旅程留下珍貴的紀錄。
➒ 民主方舟持續前進 The Ark Sails Onward ── 即時呈現臺灣民主方舟的自然地景風貌和多元文化魅力,感受美麗臺灣的點點滴滴、時時刻刻。
▩ 展 間 1 登入大廳
Exhibit 1 Entryway
▩ 展 間 2 歡迎光臨民主方舟
Exhibit 2 Welcome Aboard the Ark of Democracy
Welcome aboard the Ark of Democracy, where an extraordinary journey awaits. On this voyage, you will encounter Taiwan as a condensed microcosm of Earth’s natural history and experience how Taiwan has emerged as a vital force behind global technological advancements. You will also gain insight into how Taiwan’s people, through their relentless struggles, have built up and sustained the country’s democratic energy. Join us as navigators of the Ark of Democracy. Together, let’s discover the beauty of this island and sail toward our shared future.

▩ 展 間 3 中華民國歷任總統
Exhibit 3 Presidents of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
Step into the world of Taiwan’s presidents. Immerse yourself in spaces where they delivered landmark speeches, took their oaths of office, and made critical decisions. Presidential documents, objects, and memorabilia will immerse you in the daily life of a president, offering insight into the decision-making processes that have shaped the nation.

▩ 展 間 4 生態博物之嶼
Exhibit 4 Ecological Treasure Island
From biogeography and oceanic climatology to ecological botany and natural history, Taiwan holds many of the Earth’s unsolved mysteries. Its landscapes are a microcosm of global ecosystems, a critical point for studying anthropology and maritime culture. Like an ark, this rare island holds the potential to unlock the secrets of life.

▩ 展 間 5 不可或缺的世界科技隱形骨幹
Exhibit 5 The Invisible Backbone of Global Technology
—— 以下歡迎來到一個「如果沒有臺灣」的平行世界。
這將不是大家熟悉的地球,而是另一個分歧點的產物。想像一下,智慧不再輕易穿梭於指尖,科技倒退且混亂。這便是大家即將進入,一個沒有臺灣科技的平行世界。 當晶片無法支撐高速運算,網路不再連接全球,日常設備成為無用的金屬碎片,世界將如何混亂?這裡的每一幕,不只是對人類的脆弱與依賴的反思,也是臺灣為何如此重要的關鍵所在。
Welcome to an alternate world – a world without Taiwan.
This is not the Earth we know, but the product of a divergent timeline. Imagine a world where intelligence no longer flows effortlessly at our fingertips and where technological progress regresses into chaos. This is the parallel world you are about to enter – one in which Taiwan’s technological innovations never existed.
When chips fail to support high-speed computing, when the internet no longer connects the globe, and when everyday devices become scrap metal – how will the world descend into disarray? Each scene here serves as both a reflection on humanity’s fragility and dependence on technology, and a reminder of Taiwan’s critical role in sustaining modern civilization.

▩ 展 間 6.7 民主高分貝,領航與世界同行
Exhibit 6&7 Taiwan's Vibrant Democracy, Moving Forward with the World
In a democracy, the people have the final say. Beyond ensuring citizens’ freedom to participate equally and without fear, a strong civil society is essential for the full realization of democracy. The political parties, civic initiatives, and social movements that we take for granted today are not inevitable outcomes of history – they were hard-won achievements, the result of perseverance, sacrifice, and innovation.

▩ 展 間 8 成為我們
Exhibit 8 Become One with Us
「Together as One with Taiwan 與臺灣一起」。
Be Together as One with Taiwan.
Here, capture a special moment with President Lai Ching-te and Vice President Hsiao Bi-khim. Smile with confidence and document this personal chapter of your democratic journey alongside Taiwan.

▩ 展 間 9 民主方舟持續前進
Exhibit 9 The Ark Sails Onward
「Together as One with Taiwan 與臺灣一起」。
透過臺灣各地的即時影像與節慶畫面,呈現出這艘民主方舟的自然地景風貌和多元文化魅力,感受這座美麗之島的點點滴滴、時時刻刻。 臺灣擁有自然的生態多樣性;臺灣是世界科技的隱形骨幹;臺灣擁有韌性的民主,臺灣是民主方舟,將持續前行!
Through live footage and scenes of festivals from across Taiwan, the Ark of Democracy presents the island’s natural landscapes and cultural diversity, offering a vibrant portrayal of its beauty in every moment. Taiwan’s ecological richness, technological prowess, and resilient democracy continue to progress. As the Ark of Democracy, Taiwan will sail onward!

開放時段 Opening Hours
平日 Weekdays|09:00-12:00 (最後入府時間 11:30)
假日 Holidays |請參閱總統府全球資訊網 (www.president.gov.tw) 公告
展覽服務專線|(02) 2320-6921
LOCATION|Taipei, Taiwan
PROGRAM|Curating / Exhibition / Construction
策展統籌|BIAS 衍序規劃設計
主視覺設計|永真急制 Workshop
展間 2 — 歡迎光臨民主方舟
導演/ Vincent Hsu 製片/ 戴妏伊 口白/ 楊智博
展間 3 — 中華民國歷任總統
影像導演|DC Films 影像
展間 4 — 生態博物之嶼
影像製作|DC Films 影像
導演/ 劉伊倫
展間 5 — 不可或缺的世界科技隱形骨幹
AI 裝置互動製作|文化銀行
AI 裝置互動開發|陳冠宇、高慶展
展間 6,7 — 民主高分貝,領航與世界同行
導演/ 陳定南 影像混音/ 有聲度Studio 後期動畫/ DC Films 影像、顧庭嘉